Behavioral Health Peer Support Training

4 Hours a day (M-F)9:00 AM – 2:00 PM PT12:00 – 5:00 PM ETVirtual Live Training. Participants will receive registration details prior to the first day.What is Behavioral Health Peer Support?A Behavioral Health Peer Support Specialist promotes recovery and removes barriers and obstacles to recovery, serving as a personal guide and mentor for people seeking […]

District Meeting & Training: Districts 1 & 3

online , United States

Available for current and valid CCAPP Individual Members only.CCAPP will provide regular district meetings & training to: Improve unity, allow networking Provide a forum for local input Statewide and national legislative updates Free 1.5 CE opportunities unique to local demand Assist grassroots legislative activities Districts are divided by zip code. Easily find what district you […]

District Meeting & Training: District 7

online , United States

Available for current and valid CCAPP Individual Members only.CCAPP will provide quarterly district meetings & training to: Improve unity, allow networking Provide a forum for local input Statewide and national legislative updates Free 1.5 CE opportunities unique to local demand Assist grassroots legislative activities Districts are divided by zip code. Easily find what district you […]

District Meeting & Training: Districts 2, 8, & 9

online , United States

Available for current and valid CCAPP Individual Members only.CCAPP will provide regular district meetings & training to: Improve unity, allow networking Provide a forum for local input Statewide and national legislative updates Free 1.5 CE opportunities unique to local demand Assist grassroots legislative activities Districts are divided by zip code. Easily find what district you […]

District Meeting & Training: Districts 4, 5, & 6

online , United States

Available for current and valid CCAPP Individual Members only.CCAPP will provide regular district meetings & training to: Improve unity, allow networking Provide a forum for local input Statewide and national legislative updates Free 1.5 CE opportunities unique to local demand Assist grassroots legislative activities Districts are divided by zip code. Easily find what district you […]

Webinar: Maximizing Revenue and Outcomes

online , United States

While compliance can be measured easily, organizational health cannot. In this CE-based webinar, you will learn how to maximize outcomes through organizational health, compliance, and performance improvement. Free to attend, and 1 CE provided to those who attend live.

Webinar: Beyond Sobriety: How the Recovery Capital Index Supports Clients, Practitioners and Organizational Outcomes

online , United States

The Recovery Capital Index (RCI) is becoming the defacto standard for outcomes measurement across the industry. Delivered with simple, ubiquitous technology, it is being used to measure and improve outcomes, and scale communication with your people. Learn about the Recovery Capital Index (RCI) and how it is delivered in this CE-based webinar. Free to attend, […]

8th Annual Addiction Leadership Conference (ALC)

Get legislative preparation, information on marketing and admissions, and more. Earn up to 18 CEs. Make the world a better place by lessening the devastation caused by addiction.

Webinar: SUD Patient Records & Changing Federal Confidentiality Regulations

online , United States

This one-hour CE webinar will provide participants with a summative review of the changes to 42 CFR Part 2 regulations, with a special emphasis on how the recent changes both align with and differ from other related federal privacy regulations (HIPAA, the HITECH Act, and the CARES Act). Free to attend, and 1 CE provided […]

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