Webinar: The Devastating Impact of ACEs

online , United States

Developing a trauma-informed mindset is critical to help others deal with a world filled with stress. In this webinar, you will get an in-depth look at toxic stress and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the research that has been done. The research will show the impact of toxic stress on the development of the brain […]

Webinar: Fall 2023 Advocacy Update

online , United States

Andrew Kessler gives an update as to what NBHAP has been up to as well as general advocacy information for the behavioral health and addiction treatment industry. Free to attend, and eligible for 1 CE.

Webinar: Serious Business: Therapeutic Use of Humor

online , United States

The therapeutic effectiveness of humor is not a newly conceived idea, with references dating back to ancient Greece and the Bible (Proverbs 17:22), to the real-life Patch Adams and continuing through today with recovery-focused comedians, the most notable of whom is Mark Lundholm. Well-timed humor can also be effective in the overall development of the […]

Webinar: Mandated Reporting: What is It and How Does it Apply to Me?

online , United States

Buried within many statutes, regulations and contracts are provisions that require that SUD facilities affirmatively and timely self-report certain events and occurrences. This webinar will go over significant reporting requirements for SUD facilities, including reporting adverse events such as patient injuries to government agencies, identified overpayments to payors, and much more. Free to attend, and […]

Webinar: Opportunities in Recovery Residence Housing

online , United States

Recovery residences are an integral part of the recovery continuum. They not only provide supportive environments for those in recovery, but they represent promising opportunities for individuals to relearn important life skills that contribute towards sustained recovery. With growing demand for recovery residences, this space is seeing growth and opportunities have emerged for entrepreneurs interested […]

2024 DOT SAP Qualification Training

Bold Recovery 3407 W 6th St, Ste 700, Los Angeles, CA, United States

We will be presenting our training on the DOT SAP Qualification in Los Angeles. (Test February 25.) This education will focus on the role and responsibilities of the Substance Abuse Professional and DOT Compliance.

Webinar: Understanding Chemsex Addiction

online , United States

What is chemsex? How is it treated? And how can we as a community help in addressing problematic substance abuse issues that are sexually driven? Join us for this 1 CE-based webinar. Free to attend, and eligible for 1 CE.

10th Annual Addiction Leadership Conference (ALC)

Hilton Arden West 2200 Harvard St, Sacramento, California, United States

Join us in Sacramento for our 10th annual Addiction Leadership Conference! Earn up to 18 CEs, including 6 hours of ethics; get prepared on innovative ways to speak to your representative on advocacy issues; and more!

Webinar: 2024 Mid-Year Advocacy Update

online , United States

This webinar will look at the progress being made in Washington D.C. as we continue to advocate for advances in SUD policy. Our priorities continue to be a stronger workforce, better reimbursement options, expanded medication access, and increased recovery support services. Free to attend, and eligible for 1 CE.

2024 Multicultural Conference (MCC)

Visalia, CA Visalia, CA, United States

Immerse yourself in multicultural competencies in treating those with substance use disorders. Earn up to 18 CEs. Includes CCAPP's first annual drag show.

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